API Reference


Returns the minimum z-coordinate of the vertices at the boundary of the given mesh.


mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – A triangle mesh object.


The minimum z-coordinate of the vertices at the boundary of the given mesh.

Return type:



Merge the close vertices of a mesh to remove noise.


mesh – The mesh to be cleaned.



age3d.erode(mesh: TriangleMesh, iterations: int = 2, erosion_lifetime: int = 10, direction=None, verbose=[])

Erodes the mesh using the particle deposition and erosion method.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The mesh to be eroded.

  • iterations (int, optional) – The number of iterations for the erosion process. Defaults to 2.

  • erosion_lifetime (int, optional) – The maximum number of times a vertex can be eroded. Defaults to 10.

  • direction (numpy.ndarray, optional) – The direction of the rain as a numpy array of shape (3,). If not provided, the vertex mask is calculated from the mesh’s bounding box. Defaults to None.

  • verbose (list[str], optional) – A list of strings containing information to be printed. Possible strings include ‘all’, ‘vertex_progression’, ‘vector_direction’, ‘vector_angle’, ‘ray’, ‘ray_scene’, ‘mesh’, and ‘collision’. Defaults to an empty list.


A tuple containing the updated vertex indices and the eroded mesh.

Return type:

Tuple[np.ndarray, open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh]

The verbose argument takes a list of strings that specify what information should be printed.
  • ‘all’: Prints all below.

  • ‘vertex_progression’: Prints information about vertex triples.

  • ‘vector_direction’: Prints information about vector directions.

  • ‘vector_angle’: Prints information about vector angles.

  • ‘ray’: Prints information about the ray being casted.

  • ‘ray_scene’: Prints information about the raycasting scene.

  • ‘mesh’: Prints information about the mesh.

  • ‘collision’: Prints information about the collision detection.

age3d.export_mesh(file_path: str, mesh)

Export a mesh to a given file path using the open3d library.

  • file_path (str) – The file path where the mesh will be saved.

  • mesh – The mesh to be exported.



age3d.find_accessible(mesh, rain_direction)

Returns the indices and coordinates of the vertices accessible by a given angle of particles’ direction.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The mesh to check.

  • rain_direction (numpy.ndarray) – The direction angle of the rain as a numpy array of shape (3,). If direction is [0,0,0], every vertex is chosen.


A tuple of two NumPy arrays representing the neighboring vertex indices and coordinates.

Return type:

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]

age3d.find_all_above(mesh, value: float, inclusive=False)

Finds all the vertices above the given value in the z-coordinate.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The input mesh.

  • value (float) – The value above which to find vertices.

  • inclusive (bool, optional) – Whether to include vertices with value equal to the given value. Defaults to False.


Two numpy arrays, one containing the indices and the other containing the vertices that are above the given value in the z-coordinate.

Return type:


age3d.find_all_below(mesh, value: float, inclusive=False)

Finds all the vertices below the given value in the z-coordinate.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The input mesh.

  • value (float) – The value below which to find vertices.

  • inclusive (bool, optional) – Whether to include vertices with value equal to the given value. Defaults to False.


Two numpy arrays, one containing the indices and the other containing the vertices that are below the given value in the z-coordinate.

Return type:


age3d.find_all_between(mesh, lower_value: float, higher_value: float) ndarray

Returns a NumPy array of vertices whose z-coordinate is between the given lower and higher values.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – A triangle mesh object.

  • lower_value (float) – The lower bound of the z-coordinate.

  • higher_value (float) – The higher bound of the z-coordinate.


A NumPy array of vertices whose z-coordinate is between the given lower and higher values.

Return type:


age3d.find_maximum(mesh, k: int = 1, idx_mask=[])

Finds the maximum value(s) and corresponding index(s) in the z-coordinate of the mesh’s vertices.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The input mesh.

  • k (int, optional) – The number of maximum values to return. Defaults to 1.

  • idx_mask (list, optional) – List of vertex indices to consider for the maximum search. Defaults to empty list.


Two numpy arrays, one containing the index(s) of the maximum value(s) and the other containing the maximum value(s) in the z-coordinate of the mesh’s vertices.

Return type:


age3d.find_minimum(mesh, k: int = 1, idx_mask=[])

Find the k number of vertices having minimum z-coordinate of a mesh.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – The input mesh.

  • k (int, optional) –

  • idx_mask (list, optional) – A list of indices of vertices to be considered for finding minimum vertices.


A tuple of two numpy arrays. The first array contains the indices of the minimum

vertices and the second array contains the coordinates of the minimum vertices.

Return type:


age3d.find_neighbors(mesh, index: int)

Returns the indices and coordinates of the neighboring vertices of the given vertex index.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – A triangle mesh object.

  • index (int) – The index of the vertex.


A tuple of two NumPy arrays representing the neighboring vertex indices and coordinates.

Return type:

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]

age3d.get_mask(mesh, idx)

Create a mask array for a specific vertex of the mesh.

  • mesh – The mesh for which the mask is to be created.

  • idx – The index of the vertex for which the mask is to be created.


A boolean mask array with True value for the given index and False for all

other vertices of the mesh.

Return type:


age3d.import_mesh(file_path: str)

Imports stl file as Mesh


file_path (str) – file path of stl file


Mesh to be processed.

Return type:

mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh)

age3d.make_point_cloud(vertices, color)

Creates a point cloud object with the given vertices and color.

  • vertices (np.ndarray) – A NumPy array of vertices.

  • color (tuple) – A tuple of RGB values (0-255).


A point cloud object.

Return type:


age3d.mesh_details(mesh) tuple

Retrieve details of a mesh in the form of numpy arrays for vertices and triangles.


mesh – The mesh for which the details are to be extracted.


A tuple of two numpy arrays. The first array contains the vertices of the mesh and the second array contains the triangles of the mesh.

Return type:


age3d.mesh_subdivision(mesh, iterations=1)

Returns a new triangle mesh object obtained by subdividing the given mesh.

  • mesh (open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) – A triangle mesh object.

  • iterations (int) – The number of times to subdivide the mesh.


A new triangle mesh object obtained by subdividing the given mesh.

Return type:


age3d.visualize(entries, show_wireframe=False) None

Visualize a single mesh or a list of meshes using the open3d library.

  • entries – The mesh/meshes to be visualized. It can be a single mesh or a list of meshes.

  • show_wireframe (bool) – A flag to show/hide the wireframe of the mesh/meshes.

