
Import Library

import age3d as a3d
Jupyter environment detected. Enabling Open3D WebVisualizer.
[Open3D INFO] WebRTC GUI backend enabled.
[Open3D INFO] WebRTCWindowSystem: HTTP handshake server disabled.

Import Mesh

file_path = 'models/monkey.stl'
mesh = a3d.import_mesh(file_path)
TriangleMesh with 2866 points and 968 triangles.

Export Mesh

export_file_path = 'models/export.stl'
a3d.export_mesh(export_file_path ,mesh)

Clean Mesh

print('Original:', mesh)
print('Cleaned:', mesh)
Original: TriangleMesh with 2866 points and 968 triangles.
Cleaned: TriangleMesh with 505 points and 968 triangles.
vertices, triangles =  a3d.mesh_details(mesh)
print(vertices, triangles)
[[ 0.46875   -0.7578125  0.2421875]
 [ 0.4375    -0.765625   0.1640625]
 [ 0.5       -0.6875     0.09375  ]
 [-1.0234375  0.484375   0.4375   ]
 [ 0.859375   0.3828125  0.3828125]
 [-0.859375   0.3828125  0.3828125]] [[  0   1   2]
 [  0   2   3]
 [  4   5   6]
 [379 491 410]
 [493 384 380]
 [493 380 412]]

Point Cloud Creation

pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(vertices, (255, 0, 0))


a3d.visualize(mesh, show_wireframe=True)
Monkey Wireframe
a3d.visualize([mesh, pc])

Get Vertex Mask

a3d.get_mask(mesh, [0, 1, -1])
array([ True,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,

Find Minimum(s) & Maximum(s)

min_idxs, min_vertices = a3d.find_minimum(mesh,k = 1)
min_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(min_vertices, (255, 0, 00))

max_idxs, max_vertices = a3d.find_maximum(mesh, k = 10)
max_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(max_vertices, (0, 0, 255))

a3d.visualize([mesh, min_pc, max_pc])
Monkey Min Max

Find All Below, Above, & Between

below_idxs, below_vertices = a3d.find_all_below(mesh, 0.25, inclusive=True)
below_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(below_vertices, (255, 0, 0))

above_idxs, above_vertices = a3d.find_all_above(mesh, 0.75, inclusive=True)
above_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(above_vertices, (0, 255, 0))

between_vertices = a3d.find_all_between(mesh, 0.25, 0.75)
between_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(between_vertices, (0, 0, 255))

a3d.visualize([mesh, below_pc, above_pc, between_pc])
Monkey Below Above Between

Find Neighbors

center_idx = 100
neighbors_idx, neighbors_vertices = a3d.find_neighbors(mesh, center_idx)
neighbors_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(neighbors_vertices, (255, 0, 0))

center_vertex = vertices[a3d.get_mask(mesh, center_idx)]
center_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(center_vertex, (0, 0, 255))

a3d.visualize([mesh,neighbors_pc, center_pc])
Monkey Neighbors

Mesh Subdivision

mesh = a3d.mesh_subdivision(mesh, iterations=2)

vertices, triangles =  a3d.mesh_details(mesh)
print(vertices, triangles)

a3d.visualize(mesh, show_wireframe=True)
Monkey Subdivision
TriangleMesh with 505 points and 968 triangles.
TriangleMesh with 7828 points and 15488 triangles.
[[ 0.46875    -0.7578125   0.2421875 ]
   [ 0.4375     -0.765625    0.1640625 ]
   [ 0.5        -0.6875      0.09375   ]
   [-0.73632812  0.23632812 -0.12890625]
   [-0.6875      0.1953125  -0.12890625]
   [-0.73242188  0.18554688 -0.1328125 ]] [[   0 1978 1980]
   [1978  505 1979]
   [1979  507 1980]
   [7826 1709 7827]
   [7827 1924 7825]
   [7826 7827 7825]]

Bound Height

bound_height = a3d.calculate_bounds_height(mesh)

below_idxs, below_vertices = a3d.find_all_below(mesh, bound_height)
below_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(below_vertices, (255, 0, 0))

above_idxs, above_vertices = a3d.find_all_above(mesh, bound_height)
above_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(above_vertices, (0, 255, 0))

a3d.visualize([mesh, below_pc, above_pc])
Monkey Bound Height

Find Accessible

direction = [0, 0, -1]
accessible_idx, accessible_vertices = a3d.find_accessible(mesh, direction)
accessible_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(accessible_vertices, (255, 0, 0))
a3d.visualize([mesh, accessible_pc], show_wireframe=True)
Monkey Erode Wirefram Direction


updated_idxs, eroded_mesh = a3d.erode(mesh, iterations=100, erosion_lifetime=10)

updated_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(vertices[updated_idxs], (255, 0, 0))

a3d.visualize([eroded_mesh, updated_pc], True)
Monkey Erode Wireframe
Iter:  0 , V_idx:  7569
Iter:  1 , V_idx:  1537
Iter:  2 , V_idx:  6081
Iter:  97 , V_idx:  4564
Iter:  98 , V_idx:  113
Iter:  99 , V_idx:  130
a3d.visualize([eroded_mesh, updated_pc])
Monkey Erode
updated_idxs, eroded_mesh = a3d.erode(mesh, iterations=100, erosion_lifetime=10, direction=direction)

updated_pc = a3d.make_point_cloud(vertices[updated_idxs], (255, 0, 0))

a3d.visualize([eroded_mesh, updated_pc], True)
Iter:  0 , V_idx:  7693
Iter:  1 , V_idx:  1537
Iter:  2 , V_idx:  6131
Iter:  97 , V_idx:  5687
Iter:  98 , V_idx:  120
Iter:  99 , V_idx:  192
Monkey Erode Wireframe Direction
a3d.visualize([eroded_mesh, updated_pc])
Monkey Erode Direction